Virtual Cooking Demonstration and Recipe Development – Mexico
The Western U.S. Agricultural Trade Association (WUSATA), in partnership with the USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service and the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), is working with a small group of select chefs in Mexico who each have 4,000-45,000 followers. Businesses who participate in this event will be paired with the chef best fit for the market, after which the selected chef will work to develop a recipe with their product and conduct a virtual cooking demonstration for online followers. Once a chef has completed a social media post and cooking demonstration, WUSATA’s in-market representative will conduct social media advertising on select online platforms to boost the reach of each post. In addition to the virtual demonstration and social media campaign, WUSATA will also create a digital recipe book of the developed recipes, complete with high-resolution pictures and product information, to promote via social media and include in future promotional outreach events. Following the conclusion of the program in November/December 2022, participants will receive a 1-2 page summary of social media results, an online copy of the cooking video, and a link to the digital recipe book. Please contact Josh Eddy with any questions regarding this opportunity. The fee for participation is $150 USD, but eligible businesses may receive partial reimbursement via the WUSATA FundMatch program.